Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I am beginning to have a love affair with Mondays just as much as much as I do with Sundays. I love a fresh start and that is what I see Mondays are, a clean state, a new week, and a bunch of time to get things done! However, Monday's also mean the end of the weekend, and the better the weekend you have the harder it is to go back to work! 

While my hopes were high that I would get around to making these pumpkin doughnuts, it wasn't the right time. I didn't have some of the ingredients on hand and I couldn't find a doughnut pan, so I was out of luck. Instead we stopped by a KrispyKreams and picked up some fun fall/Halloween doughnuts.

I did make pumpkin pancakes on pancake Sunday, which was accompanied by cinnamon maple syrup and pumpkin coffee. So much pumpkin was eaten. 

Also over the weekend Emily Ley posted about her and Lara Casey hosting a webinar for one of their companies, Make Brands Happen. These two ladies have quite a few companies they run (together and separate), are wonderful moms to two adorable toddlers, and are extremely inspirational on a daily basis. I will touch more on this all tomorrow, but check out the webinar today. They are hosting it on November 7th, and I know I already have my schedule clear!  

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