Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Morning Love Affair: Used Books

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I have a real intense love/hate relationship with Sundays. They are my favorite day of the week, however with Monday morning looming, they have a bit of a negative feeling.

Sundays are for relaxing, indulging, spontaneity, and preparing for the week ahead. 

I have spent my past few Sundays walking to the local coffee shop, people watching, cooking and browsing the used bookstore for far too many books.

My weak-spot is books, I can rarely walk into a bookstore or make it through the airport without picking one up. While I think it is a good idea, my wallet doesn't always agree. But this local used bookstore has allowed me to purchase all I want without buyers remorse. Paperbacks are only a dollar! And hardbacks are two! 

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Of course I still spend quite a bit of time at the library and Barnes and Nobel for new books, but coming how with an arm full of books for less than $10 is the best! 

What are your favorite books? Or what are you dying to read? 

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