Thursday, April 19, 2012

Making Moves!

Doesn't everyone feel like this on a daily basis. No? Teach me your ways. My to-do list only seems to grow, and maybe that is because I don't really do anything to ease it. 

I have taken time off from, well life, and it is causing such stress and bad moods. I am studying my CFA test (think LSAT for finance) in June and while I am studying I am not doing much else. I babysit during the day, study at night. 

After I take this test then what? I need a job. Or at least a plan. And I don't have one and I have realized over the past few weeks that that is my problem. I am a planner, I always have a life plan, and while it may not work out, it always make me feel better.

I started sending emails, job hunting, talking to contacts and while my to-do list hasn't shrunk any, its actually grown, I am starting to check things off. 

While not every email leads somewhere, and not every job applied for turns into a full time position or even a job interview, I am doing something and that is making all the difference in my mental state.  

I think I need to order this print for my desk!

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