Wednesday, July 11, 2012

25 Before 25


Like every neurotic type A girl, I love list. Every morning when I first get to work, I sit down with my coffee and write what I need to get done today, both personally and at work.
A and I have a sort of bucket list going as well. We jumped on board with the 101 in 1001 and it is probably the best motivator to actually do things we want to do. You can read more about that here.
But that list is more geared towards us as couple, things we want to do together, places we want to go together, you get the picture.
I have wanted to compile a list of goals for myself personally and professionally. I have gone back and forth between coming up with my own 101 in 1001, 25/30 before 25/30, a simple bucket list, etc.
I finally decided on 25 things before I am 25. Why? Because that looming milestone is not too close but not far. Then once I turn 25 (ekk!!) I will create a 30 things before I am 30. Also 101 things is a lot to come up with.
Here are some of my favorites from my list:
1. Go on a trip by myself
6. Find my scent
15. Send someone flowers, just because.
19. Cook/bake 10 things from my great-grandmother’s cookbook
22. Take 5 fun classes

I do much better and accomplish far more when my goals are written out and organized than if I were to constantly say “oh one day I hope to do this or that.”
Plus having a deadline always seems to benefit me.
Do you have a bucket/goal list? What are the things you are most excited about?

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