Saturday, October 1, 2011

Keep Calm and Ace the LSAT

Today is the day...THE LSAT. I know so many people taking it today, or even the SAT. AG has been studying like crazy and it has been hard on our relationship. Long distance is hard enough as it is, but between my crazy work and school schedule and his increased stressed level, we have been having the smallest stupidest fights. But we have made it through and are stronger for it, plus we both understand how important the results are to his future.

I sent him a "LSAT survival bag" he got to open this morning. I made a horrible Longhorn themed good luck card, and in the bag was:

  • 4 lucky pennies (the year I was born, the year he was born, the year we met, and the year we started dating)
  • A pack of "Smarties" because he's a smarty
  • A little rubber "Lucky Ducky"
  • A Koala finger puppet filled with kisses
  • A water gun, incase he is tempted, its the only gun he's allowed to use
  • A bag of "brain sprinkles"
  • A pencil 
On the right was his crazy study schedule for the last 2 weeks. He sent me a picture of the very boyish one he made (read sloppy and boring) so I made him this one. 

Good luck to everyone else taking the test today!

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